Here is a list of a frequently asked questions. We love questions! If you don't find your answer below send us an email:


Who should wear compression socks?

Our socks are engineered for athletes, healthcare providers or anyone needing extra support. We recommend anyone who stand, sit or traveling by air for an extended period of time to wear compression socks.

How to choose the correct size?

Compression socks sizing is based on ones's shoe size and calf circumference at the widest point of the calf.

How do compression socks work?

Our compression socks are designed to increase blood flow and circulation by adding gradient pressure to the lower extremities. The veins get a boost pushing blood back up to your heart. Continual use has shown to prevent/treat swelling, spider/varicose veins and tired aching legs.

Does insurance cover the cost of compression socks?

Most insurance companies and flex spending accounts will cover the entire cost of compression socks.